I was a shitty leader!
How Your Storytelling Can Rewire the Brain?
"Rockstar" versus Dynamic Teams
Retain Top Talent and Attract the Best with a Winning Upskilling Strategy
The 4 Letters That Revolutionized the Way I Write Emails
FACT — The “cost savings” From Layoffs Won’t Be Realized If Companies Mismanage The Layoff Process.
My 3 Simple Rules For Winning In The VUCA World.
How To Weather A “Storm?”
The Average Person Makes 35,000 Choices Per Day
8 Myths About Work-Life Balance And What To Do Instead!
The Consistency Conundrum!
A Leader Doesn’t Motivate People!
Ah, The Good Old Rescinded Job Offer.
Calculating The Batting Average For Your Business Team!
I Tossed The Script!
Why Tell The Truth When You Can Fake Social Proof?
Does DEI Break Barriers or Build Walls?
One Thing About Those Tables Is That They Always Turn!
How to lead remote teams?
Culture Add versus Culture Fit